What are you reading?

20160916_150150-01Never stop learning. Advice heard over and over again. As part of my 30-Day “Do More” Challenge, I’ve placed a higher importance on developing a habit of daily learning through reading books. No, my goal of 15 minutes a day isn’t some amazing feat; It wasn’t meant to be. It was meant to get me back in the habit… every single day.

This got me thinking about business books I’ve read, and ones I want to read.

Here’s my list:

Currently reading:

Favorites from earlier in my career:

What’s next (to name a few):

If you are looking for a marketing book to get started I’d recommend The New Rules of Marketing and PR. If you want a general business book, with plenty of application for your personal life, Think Big, Act Bigger! – for sure.


Tell me about any books you’d recommend.

3 Apps to Keep You Motivated

Motivation appsSix months ago I decided it was time. Time to get serious. Time to stop making excuses and start making real change. Time to get in shape! Yeah, that’s what everyone says in January, right!? Most people want better health, more energy and to feel a sense of accomplishment. Well, I’m happy to say I’ve stuck with it for six months now. I’ve lost 25 pounds, built muscle and increased my overall stamina.

My focus has primarily been strength training with some cardio. And, for most of the time I’ve done a pretty good job eating a healthy diet.

It hasn’t been easy, but there are a few key factors that have contributed to successfully keeping me motivated.

Having a workout buddy has been crucial. Rain or shine he picks me up at 6:15 am to head to the gym. Thursdays he’s quite chipper as those are dedicated “Shoulders day” for us. For the record, I hate shoulders day. #Ihateshouldersday

Technology has been my other secret weapon to staying consistent with both daily workouts and healthy eating. While there are countless apps available I’ve found three apps especially beneficial for staying motivated. All three apps have a free versions and are available for Android and iOS.

Make My Plate#3 Make My Plate

This beta app provides detailed meal planning, recipes, and shopping lists. Simply input the daily calories you’re targeting – including macros, and the app creates three meals, plus two snacks daily. Even if you don’t follow it religiously the app gives plenty of meal ideas, so you don’t get stuck eating plain chicken and broccoli every day.

One of my favorite features is the Restaurants sections. Make My Plate gives you suggestions and nutritional information for forty national fast food, fast casual and full-service restaurants. A perfect resource for when you’re on-the-go.

 #2 BodySpacebodyspace1-675x449.png

This app is an extension of the BodyBuilding.com website with articles, exercise tips and a supplement store. The app allowed me to pick a workout routine based on my fitness goals. It gives me a daily plan with detailed exercises including videos to ensure you use proper form while lifting to guarantee maximum results. From novice to pro that app has all the workout routines and advice you need.

#1 My Fitness Palmy_fitness_pal_logo

Now owned by Under Armour, this is my #1 app for keeping a daily food log of everything I eat. Helps me ensure I’m getting a high amount of protein, while keeping fats down and managing carbs effectively. I enter my weight on a weekly basis to visually see my progress. Yes, I even enter the cheat day calories so I know how much I’ve got to work off the next morning.

Motivational blog articles and recipes can also be found in the app. And of course, a link to buy Under Armour gear.

MyFitnessPal syncs with my FitBit to track my steps and approximate calories burned, adjusting my daily calorie intake from food. It’s pretty slick! I don’t track my workouts here, but the functionality exists.

Here’s the next six months of success!



How are you using technology to keep you motivated?

It’s Not Business, It’s Just Personal

Ever noticed when a major business win is achieved everyone touts the people and relationships that made it happen. Contrarily, when tough decisions with damaging consequences are made these same people quickly hide behind the proverbial skirt of “It’s not personal, it’s just business.” This phrase is most often said to someone who will be personally affected by the recent decision.

ID-10034799“We’ve decided to buy from another company”

“You weren’t selected for the promotion”

“We won’t be accepting your offer”

“You’re being let go”

“We chosen another candidate for the position”

“Your request was denied”

Businesses aren’t the products or services they sell. Businesses are an intertwined web of employees, vendors and customers. It is the people that make business… well business.

Yes, hard business decisions are constantly being made. The decisions themselves are made by individuals whose personal experiences, opinions and biases go into each and every choice. People’s lives are affected by these so-called business decisions and the ripple effects are far reaching – never downplay that fact.

Celebrate the human element that comprises today’s business environment and stop saying “It’s not personal, it’s just business.” After all, it’s always personal and never just business.



Photo by Photostock

Is Hubspot’s Inbound Conference Worth It? Part 2

Inbound_2015 Worth It“Worth it” – is a relative term. For this article the question is, is it worth it for an employer to send marketing people to Inbound?

Here’s why it is worth it:

  • Shows an Invest in Your People
    • Employees want to know they’re working for more than just a paycheck. Companies that invest in their people find those people are more fully invested in the job. What a great opportunity to invest in your people while helping increase their value to the organization.
  • Gain Access to Top Marketing Leaders
    • Your company may not be able to hire a swarm of marketing pros, but Inbound gives your marketing people exposure to some of the best and brightest marketing minds. It’s a way to expand your marketing influencers with fairly limited investment.
  • Demonstrates You Value Marketing
    • No matter what your company does, marketing is important, maybe even crucial to your success. Sending your top marketers to Inbound shows a commitment to marketing and show you’re looking for new ways to market and promote your goods or services. This is beneficial to your employees and your customers.

Tip: Make the Decision Early to Save Money.

  • Early entrance fee starts at $600 and goes up to $1,500 as the conference draws closer. I paid $950 this year. Additionally, hotels fill up fast and that means prices go up. Request that your marketers book their hotel early to save money.

Are you a manager that sent marketing people to Inbound 2015? Let us know if you thought it was worth the investment.

3 Tips for Managing Summer

window outsideSummer is here – warm weather, barbecues, and outdoor activities.

The beautiful thing about living in a state like Utah is the four distinct seasons. We enjoy cold snowy winters, mild springs, hot summers and cool falls. The downside, the joys of summer come and go very quickly.

Working during the summer months can prove challenging. With the kids out of school and late summer nights, there’s so much to do including swimming in pristine pools and retreating to clean mountain air (yeah, it’s a Utah thing). With so many fun things to do in the summer overworking yourself and your team seems… wrong.

So, you need to take the time to enjoy the season.

I’m not talking about personal time off (PTO) for vacations, but that’s important too. Instead I’m referring to the way to be highly productive at work, while enjoying summer.

The key then is to find the right balance between work and play. Yes, I’m still on this quest for balance.

3 Tips for Managing Summer:

  1. Accept it: Instead of fighting the situation, accept the fact that it’s summer. Life may run a little different for a few months. That’s okay – embrace it! That means not becoming frustrated. Enjoy this time of year.
  2. Take Advantage of the Weather: The allure of sunny skies and warm sunshine is tempting. Look for ways to get outside a bit. Examples include:
    • Offsite team lunches – a way to both get out of the office and get people offsite where they’re more inclined to relax a bit.
    • Visit key contacts – Jump in the car and go visit people. This may include top accounts, prospects, partners, or vendors. The extra rays will help boost your Vitamin D levels, while strengthening relationships in ways only possible through face-to-face meetings.
    • Take it Outside – A lot of heat and a little sweat will make you appreciate the refreshing A/C once back in the office. For example, eat your lunch at a park or take your 15-minute break by strolling outdoors.
  3. Switch-up Your Schedule: Instead of the normal 9-5 schedule, mix things up a bit to take advantage of summer weather.  Arrive early, stay focused, get a ton accomplished, and then leave early. You’ll get your work in and still have plenty of time for summer recreation late afternoon and evening. I find a ton can be accomplished from 7-9am, before most people have arrived at work. Another option to consider is requesting a few times during the summer to work 4-ten hour days, allowing for the occasional 3-day weekend.
    • Note: Make sure to clear it with your supervisor first – a good leader will see the wisdom in allowing you to do this, and may even decide to do the same.

Bonus Tip:

Plan for and Enjoy the Weekend: Don’t go to bed Sunday night thinking “Dang, I didn’t do anything all weekend long”. Plan ahead to spend weekends outdoors – enjoying the weather, having fun, being active and spending time with friends and family.

Maximizing summer can make it the best time for both your work life and personal time.

Now, get back to work – then feel free to take off a bit early today!


Photo cred: Idea go

The Work/Life Balance Myth!?

dragons and knightsDragons and unicorns sort of intrigue me. They are merely mythological creatures. They’re not real. Yet, each has created an eternal legacy around itself. Leprechauns, Minotaurs, and even Bigfoot and the Lock Ness Monster fall into this same category. Despite their fabricated nature, their “existence” is very alive and well. They live on and cannot die.


The average full-time hourly employee works 2,080 hours a year; salaried employees generally far exceed the two-thousand hour mark. That’s 250+ days of work (after removing holidays and maybe a few vacation days). Of course, one has to factor back in the various weekend hours for business trips, checking emails, and finishing projects. Yes, as Americans we work… a lot.

At some point over the past several years a new term emerged most often referred to as… Work/Life Balance! It is described in many different ways and can take on many different forms. However, its general essence is understood to be the perfect union of one’s work life and one’s personal life.

Is Work/Life Balance real or another fictitious mythological creature?

The Minotaur is illustrated with the body of a man and the head of a bull. It is very easy to visualize because we know what a human body looks like and we know what a bull’s head looks like. (Oh yeah, in my mind the Minotaur has extra-long horns and wields a wicked sharp ax).

Similarly we know what work looks like, as referenced in the plethora of working hours mentioned about. We also know what our personal lives look like – all the stuff we do after leaving the office. Therefore we should be able to visualize this Work/Life Balance formation.

Somehow it’s not that easy.

Balance suggests equal weight is given to each component, or better stated the two components cannot be in opposition with each other. Furthermore, one’s personal life has to be independently healthy and happy. Same goes for one’s work life.

I’ve had jobs with great flexibility, company culture, and worked with amazing co-workers – but didn’t enjoy the job. The work itself wasn’t engaging or fulfilling. Everyone said it had great balance because it allowed “Life” to thrive even though the work part “suffered”. To me, that’s not balance.

Oppositely I’ve had jobs where I loved the work. However, other challenges around lower than expected earnings, difficult co-workers, or negative company culture caused these jobs to be less than satisfying.

So I get what Work/Life Balance should look like. I can even breakdown and understand the different components that make it possible. However, I’m still left searching to find it.

Will I eventually boldly declare Work/Life Balance’s reality?

Or will I endlessly search for the illusive entity?

If you have found it, let me know.


Image courtesy of saphatthachatf at FreeDigitalPhotos.net


The Sky's the Limit
Wow, another year in the books, another chapter ended and a new one begins. I didn’t complete all of my 2014 Bucket List items; it was a great year though – two trips to Orlando, days at the beach, Sevens Rugby Tournament, a trip to Brazil that included visiting Rio de Janeiro, fishing, kite flying, hiking, camping and so much more including a new job.

This year’s Bucket List combines travel, personal improvement, professional development and well… hopefully lots of fun!

1. Travel to international destination
2. Attend 3 trade shows or conferences
3. Spend a day at the beach
4. Take Melissa horseback riding
5. Go on a trip with Melissa
6. Take Melissa dancing
7. Go on a family campout
8. Travel to Arizona to visit my sisters
9. Attend a BYU football game with Dylan
10. Attend a Real Salt Lake game
11. Travel to a soccer tournament for Brendon
12. Read 6 books
13. Listen to 12 audiobooks
14. Attend a play or musical as a family
15. Try a new restaurant
16. Bike 250 miles
17. Go mountain biking
18. Go skiing or snowboarding
19. Hike Timpanogos Cave
20. Go hiking in Southern Utah
21. Enter a Biggest Loser weight-loss contest
22. Lose 35 lbs
23. Play on a sports team
24. Become a USSF licensed soccer coach
25. Take a photography class
26. Take an online story writing course
27. Have a water balloon fight
28. Take the family sledding
29. Go fishing with the family
30. Go ice fishing (3rd time is the charm)
31. Write 25 blog posts
32. Get a guest blog post published
33. Increase blog followers by 25%
34. Increase Twitter followers by 20%
35. Write 2 chapters in a book

5 Productive Tips

5_small__7310883864Today’s business environment is a continuous flow of high stress and high demands. Working professionals are constantly bombarded with new tasks, assignments, projects, and deadlines.

Staying busy is easy, staying productive is a challenge.

Here are 5 Tips to help you be more Productive Right Now!

  1. Stop reading articles about productivity and start doing something. Anything! Seriously, stop reading this article and go get something accomplished. Pick one thing you need to get done today and do it. Don’t stop to check email, don’t pay attention to app notifications, LinkedIn request, or Facebook messages, focus on the task at hand and give it 100% of your time and attention for at least 90 minutes. Ready… Go!
  2. Reread Tip #1 because obviously it didn’t sink in.
  3. Really, you’re still reading this!?
  4. I’m completely baffled that you’ve arrived at Tip #4. This shows a total disregard for Tip #1. Yes, this article could have just said “1 Tip to Productivity” but nobody reads an article with just a single tip. Nonetheless, the list really only has 1 tip, 2-5 are meaningless.
  5. And yet, you read on. My only conclusion is that your productivity is at such a high level that you’ve accomplished all you wanted to today and now are merely reading articles in search of a tidbit of wisdom or perhaps and splash of humor to brighten your day. In that case, hopefully these tips provided a dash of both.

That’s it. There is no more value in continuing to read this article. In fact, I’ve got a massive list of things to accomplish today as I’ve exhausted my knowledge of productivity. Therefore I will stop writing about working and actually get back to work. Oh, that would have been a good Tip #2 “Stop writing about Productivity and Start Doing”. Wish I’d have thought of that ten minutes ago.


photo via

No More Reign for Spain

Soccer Abstract_32Almost every human being in the world is acutely aware and keenly focused on the 2014 FIFA World Cup, well everyone outside of the United States. The 31-day, 32 team soccer tournament, this time hosted in Brazil, is the largest sporting event on the planet.

Coming into the competition returning 2010 Champions Spain was ranked #1 in the world. The Spain squad has been on a terror of winning the past several years raking up an impression collection of championships.

An overflowing trophy case, pre-tournament hype and vast amount of talent on the field are great, but it still comes down to wins and losses, and with 2 of 3 matches already in the books, Spain has been eliminated after two straight tournament loses. The first lose was suffered at the hands of the Dutch (5-1) a repeat match of the 2010 championship game. If this wasn’t bad enough, Spain tuned around and was dealt a devastating blow, losing 2-0 to Chile in a David-vs-Goliath type effort.

No one can deny the greatness of the Spanish squad over the past five years, but great lessons can be drawn from their abrupt and fatal demise.

Some pressure is good… some.

Other than possibly the host country Brazil, no one came into the World Cup with as much pressure to win as Spain. Pressure to succeed is good when it fuels passion and creates focused energy. Teams can become galvanized create a strong bond, extreme pressure and scrutiny can quickly cause a team to buckle under the pressure. Spain collapsed.

Hard Work still matters

Chile is not the most talented squad in the World Cup. The Chilean team came into the tournament generously ranked 14th in the world, a far cry from Spain’s #1 ranking. Chile’s 2-0 win over Spain was the result of 90 grueling minutes of hard work. Every Chilean player ran harder, fought more and out worked their Spanish counter parts. What they lacked in skill and talent they made up for in effort.

Sweat the Little Stuff

Soccer is a series of small seemingly insignificant actions that eventually can lead to a big play. A thrown-in, a pass, a deflection, a sprint forward, a quick cut back. Each single movement or act appears trivial. However, the collection of these actions equates to an entire game and when executed expertly creates a fluid, free flowing game – “jogo bonito”. Spain was constantly looking for the big play, but struggled with basic game dynamics; their passes were off, players weren’t getting back defensively, communication amongst players seemed to be nonexistent. A complete game was not able to be accomplished due to the lack of focus on the small stuff.

Fight for the Big Play           

No one enjoys watching a zero to zero game. (And in the business world a tie equals a loss). The purpose of the small stuff is to lead up to something huge, an awe inspiring moment. When all the minor components come together you should find yourself in that unique position to make a spectacular big play. Against Spain the Netherlands did so 5 times; Chile did it too, scoring twice. In contrast powerhouse Brazil controlled much of the game against Mexico, but couldn’t finish the big play, ending their match with a 0 – 0 draw. All the hard work and little stuff will only be worth it if you take the risk and make the big play happen. Sure it’s about the journey, but the finish is crucial.

“Great moments are born from great opportunities” – Herb Brooks

That’s Why You Play the Game

Switching sports, what if the Soviet Union had continued their dominance beating the US and winning the 1980 Olympic gold medal for hockey at Lake Placid? What if the New Zealand All Blacks had throttled the South African rugby team again in the 1995 Rugby World Championship match?

No one would have made a movie about that.

The movie Miracle and the movie Invictus harold the efforts of teams that came together and won despite all odds. People love sports because the outcome is unknown until it actually happens.

The script for life is also being written on a minute by minute, and day by day basis. Life is an adventure, a game waiting to be play and an outcome waiting discovered. Spain’s outcome for the 2014 World Cup was far different than the expected, while Chile’s possibly far better than they could have hoped.

Thoughts Shared with Partnership Marketing

Recently I was asked to talk with our Partnership Marketing Division and share some thoughts on how to achieve success at our company. I believe these tips can apply to most anyone at any company.

Be a Consumer.

Hopefully the product or service your company offers is something you’re a fan of. Therefore, you should be a consumer of the product or service where possible. At Access, we offer card-linked rewards to bank cardholders and we built local, regional and national discount programs. The more I use these deals and discounts, the better I do my job. I think like the customer because I use the program like our customers do.

Be Willing to do the Hard Stuff.

Every job has difficult “stuff” to do. People willing to dig in, get their hands dirty and do the hard stuff, are perceived to be more valuable to the company. Often I’ve noticed that the hard stuff usually becomes the easy stuff, once a few people (with the right work ethic and attitude) begin working on it.

Keep Learning.

Increasing your knowledge and skills every chance you get. This may be through a college degree and formal education. It may be through seminars and conventions. Daily articles, blog posts, webinars are great resources. Audiobook, ebooks and good old-fashion paperback books are excellent for increasing knowledge. Who knows, you might even be able to convenience your manager to buy the book for you.

Here are a few books I recommend:


Regardless of role, title or responsibilities you’ll be happier and more successful if you treat your work like a Career (not just a job) even if you’re not going to do it for the rest of your life.